We are your right to free education

Welcome to Freedu, a platform for free education, transformative learning experiences, and unlimited opportunities!

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Our Strengths and Virtues

Freedu is aimed at empowering minds through free education, grants, and scholarships. We believe that education is the key to unlocking human potential. Our mission is to democratise education and unlock the extraordinary human potential in you.

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Diversified Academia

Discover resources that focus on diverse sectors, such as academics, the arts, the sciences, and technologies.

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Grants, Scholarships

Freedu is committed to assisting you with grants and scholarships that you may need in pursuit of your dreams.

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Global Collaborators

Become a global knowledge seeker, where you can collaborate on projects and connect with like-minded learners.

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Limitless Programmes

Freedu is available to all who want to improve their academics, gain new skills, or simply broaden their knowledge.


Ad Revenue Programme

Our Ad Revenue Partnership programme is where the sectors of corporate and education meet to create a positive brand image through corporate social responsibility.


Content Licence Programme

We believe knowledge should flow freely, enriching lives across borders. Our content licencing programme is your gateway to reach millions while being rewarded through royalties.


CSR Initiative Management

We are not just about education; we are about creating a real difference in people's lives. Our CSR initiatives embody our commitment to making a positive impact on society.


Grants and Scholarships

Whether you are a student eager to excel, a professional looking to upskill, or a veteran in search of new knowledge, we urge you to be a part of our grant and scholarship programme.


Tax-deductible Marketing

When companies or institutions unite with us to offer free courses, grants or scholarships, the ripple effects are profound, reaching far beyond the confines of education.


Workforce Solutions

At Freedu Workforce Solutions, our mission is to empower your employees with essential KSAs they need and require to thrive in today's ever-evolving personal and professional lives.


Freedu Movement

For more information, please get in touch at contact@freedu.lk or DM @FreeduLK on SM.

Flash Giveaways

Courses & Programmes

Media and Press on Freedu

For more information, please get in touch at contact@freedu.lk or DM @FreeduLK on SM.

Let's start a conversation about how your brand can be a driving force for education.